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Discover My World

My Journey

Welcome to my personal portfolio! Here, I share my passions, my stories, my photos, and my skills. I invite you to take a look around and get to know me better. If you have any feedback or thoughts, feel free to share them with me.

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Who I Am

Manik Singh Sarmaal: Decoding the World, One Pixel at a Time

They say curiosity killed the cat, but here inside my mind, curiosity is king! I'm a B.Tech maverick from IIT Jammu, on a mission to untangle the mysteries of the world, one line of code, or psychology experiment, at a time.

My playground? The intersection of computer vision, machine learning, and the ever-fascinating human mind.

Why this crazy mix? Because let's face it, the coolest tech is the kind that understands us, anticipates our needs, and maybe even predicts our next Netflix binge (guilty as charged!).

So, buckle up and join me on this wild ride as I explore the frontiers of AI, delve into the depths of human behavior, and maybe, just maybe, create something that changes the game.

Up for the adventure? Dive into my projects and see where my curiosity takes you!

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